Saturday, August 30, 2008

Some Moonlight Resonance.....

Saw the MV for Raymond's subthemesong in Moonlight Resonance and Sussana Kwan's Moonlight Resonance maintheme. So if you guys haven't watch them....check them out! Raymond's song title is 愛不疚. I think this song will be featured in his next album. So can more or less predict the theme for his new album. Hahaha. Anyway, its a nice MV.

And Sussana's song 無心害你(Never Meant to Hurt You). Once again Sussana did a great job singing the song. There are some minor spoilers in the MV. So beware for people who are spoiled easilly.

Raymond Lam-愛不疚(MTV) spoiler rating 0/10

clip credit to nakuzmusic

Sussana Kwan-無心害你 spoiler rating 2/10

clip credit to lohk123

Also added Moonlight Resonance full version themesong music video. Spoiler Rating 4/10

clip credit to janefever

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