Sunday, March 16, 2008

Magazine Scans

Express Weekly Issue #500 had an article featuring Charmaine. Below are the magazine scans credits to Maggie from

Mag scans credits to

Ivy : As I do not have time for translations I'll just post roughly what the article is about. The article says Charmaine has no boyfriend since Benny Chan and only have some rumours with Joe Ma and Ron Ng. Now she has a new "lover"(BB her kitten) and even brought it along for shopping. It also said that Charmaine bought some stuffs for BB and herself for the coming spring. Charmaine also used BB's picture as her handphone wallpaper and tells people that BB is given by a friend(Catherine Chow perhaps??) and she treats BB as her lover and asking people if BB is cute.

In the section with the picture posted on her blog the article writes that posting pictures of her and BB has brought many netizens visiting her blog and her blog hits reached 30 million. That's roughly what the article is about. Sorry for not having time for a full translation.

Charmaine loves BB a lot! Alright I'm signing off now. Have to go back to studies. Oh before I forget today is my dad's birthday. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY! (incase he sees this)

p.s That white shirt and jeans. Charmaine wore it on arrival at KLIA in January and also arrival at HKIA recently from Chengsha. No wonder they look so familiar.

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