First, Congratulations to Charmaine's Younger Brother, Darce on his wedding on 9th March. Wishing the new couple Everlasting Love and Happiness!

Charmaine's mum is at the far left in black and red. Charmaine's in....should be pink...must be camera lighting... Charmaine and her brother do show some similarity in facial features ^^Their nose and smile..hehe.
Next, I just need to shoutout that I'm really anticipating Beyond The Realm of Conscience!! Through some clips which I managed to spare some time to watch, I just love Charmaine and Tavia!! Haha..I was a little surprised at first at how close they were. LOL. I didn't know they were so close. But its nice to see them so close together! Can't wait to watch and enjoy it! Brings back the Yummy Yummy memories of Charmaine, Tavia and Kevin. But now add Moses, Michelle and Susanna!! All my favourites! Haha. I'm putting high expectations into this series!

Look at Charmaine smiling. Hehe. Can't wait to watch!
Cute Charmaine & Tavia!! And also Moses...hahaha
Third, I was so shocked to learn about the maid attack on Sonija!! Poor Sonija! She already had more than enough negative news than she deserved! A brief summary on what happened :
Sonija woke up hearing her maid crying so she went to see what happen. Her maid seems to have relationship problems with her boyfriend so Sonija comforted her. But her maid suddenly went crazy and turned into violence and took a knife and pointed it on Sonija's neck!! What a drama!! Sonija managed to grab hold of the knife and called the police but her maid ended up biting her arms and pulling her hair!! Even Sonija's mum who came in to tear them apart was pushed in the chaos! Finally 3 policemen managed to seperate them and arrested the maid! Sonija suffered minor bite injuries on both her arms and also received vaccination for tetanus.
For full report click here.

It sounds so frightening! I myself experienced having a psychotic maid. But fortunately mine did not turn to violence. Mine just kept on blabbering nonsense...and I mean 'Nonsense' by really scary, creepy and out of mind words! My mum sent her back to her agent too and it was a scary experience! And I remembered arriving really late to tuition that day because we were afraid to leave my mum alone with the maid incase something similar to the above happened! Haha.
Get well soon Sonija!! Hope they overcome the shock soon. Also, an advice to all, do be careful when hiring foreign domestic workers!
Fourth, I wish I could attend Joey's Singapore Starlight!! Haha. It is during my mid-semester break!18th April! Anyone got tickets to spare!!!???
Alright, have to rush my assignments!! I have 3 assignments to hand in next week!! Oh yea, BTW, during my management lecture today, my lecturer surprisingly talked about Drive Of Life! Haha. Seems that there are some management theories and skills shown in Drive Of Life! Haha. Then soon after, I heard the person behind me saying, "Sui yuet fung wan lar! That one Lam Fung and Sheh Sze Man one ar...." Hahaha. So who said watching TVB series is a waste of time!!!??
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