Alright back from new year shopping now gonna update on NZX event.
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We met up at Kelana Jaya LRT station at 3pm and when I arrived, Patricia, Sehseh and Jessie was not there yet. But Joniser, Penny and Ah Da(another really nice fan) was there already. We waited awhile and Patricia arrived. Sehseh and Jessie hasn't arrive because they went to buy flowers for Charmaine, Tina and Michael Miu. We then took the rapid KL bus to Ara Damansara. Throughout the bus ride there were lots of laughter as we were busy chatting and making jokes! The bus then passed a sort of deserted market area with mud ground and as all of us were not familiar with the place, we joked that is this Niu Zhe Xui and is Ah Sheh going to perform at the old shack there tonight?lolz.
We were in the bus for about 40 minutes and then Ah Da started to feel that something was not right! He said Ara Damansara should't be so far away! He then went to speak to the bus driver with Joniser who has a map of the place. And true enough the bus driver does not know the place! In the end Joniser sort of took charge and taught the bus driver where to go...lolz. The bus then dropped us off somewhere near NZX and we could hear the "Da Tuan Yuen" New year song by Myfm and knew we were on the right track. We then walked to the venue and saw the stage. At that time no one was there yet so we got the best spot right on front of the stage. The weather at the time was one word HOT! The sun was shining bright but for Charmaine we will stay there and take care of the nice spot. NZX is sort of a Bazaar so luckily ice-blended are for sale and I quickly go grab one. After buying Sehseh and Jessie has arrived with the flowers :) Sehseh said that what she needs most now is not ice-blended but sunblock! Haha so you could imagine how hot it is!
We then stayed there together and I really feel how cooperative the fanclub is all helping out to set up the banners and ignoring the sunshine. At about 6.30pm the crowd starts to grow and by about 7pm look at the crowd! As we were waiting we saw the press in front each with an event schedule. And I managed to peek and saw that Charmaine will be appearing at 10.30pm and will be singing "Fan Fan Zhong Soi Yiu Nei" and "Fa Fa Yu Zhao". At that time our reaction was what!? 10.30pm?? But then hey we are here for Charmaine so even if she appears at midnight we'll still wait!
The event then started and some local artistes performed and then oh no!! It started to rain!! At first it was just drizzle but then the rain became heavier and heavier! Luckilly my cousin's friend brought umbrella so i was half sheltered. At the same time we were busy keeping the banner and the light banners safe from the rain! The rain was so heavy that the show has to be on hold for about 10 minutes and we kept on cheering Ah Sheh! Ah Sheh! The rain became so heavy that the NZX staff started giving out towels for us to shelter and Penny, Jessie and me shared a towel. After numerous local artiste performed, Louis Yuen then appeared. At that time rain stopped! Yay! When Louis appeared our mood risen and we started to get a little high when he sang Jay Chou's song. After that Michael Miu appeared in a catwalk with Amber Chia! We started cheering loudly and shouted out Sam Gor!! Sam Gor!! Michael looks really dashing for his age! After Michael finished his game playing session hohohoho....Charmaine appeared with Alan Wu!!! We started screaming her name like crazy!! And Charmaine was smiling all the time!
The MC interviewed Charmaine and told her, her fans were waiting under the rain and she gave us a flying kiss!(Watch the video in the previous post below for the opening interview). She then picked 4 person to come up stage to dance with her and Penny was chosen!! But when Penny reached the backstage the crew told her her spot was taken!! I could feel her dissapointment! Ah Sheh chosed her!!! Charmaine then sang "Fa Fa Yu Zhao" and danced really lively with the fans! And also her live singing really improved! No signs of exhaustion although dancing and singing together. While she sang we sang along too and she was very happy seeing us sing along! Tina was watching us too as she was right in front of me.
After that Charmaine sang her rendition of "Fan Fan Zhong Soi Yiu Nei" and again we cheered and sang along! We were really high at that time forgetting about how soaking wet we were. During her singing we shouted out "We Love You!!" and Charmaine was so sweet by giving us a "I Love You Too!!" look(you could see it in the video I'll be posting). She also pointed at us when she sang the line "Fan Fan Zhong Soi Yiu Nei". When she finished the song we started screaming Encore! Encore! and she was jumping to our cheer! Haha..really cute and full of energy! Watch the video below to get what I mean.(the audio is a little blurry because I was standing in front of the speakers so the music is too loud for my camera to bare! That is y fa fa yu zhao I got the video but no audio so have to wait for Patricia. When Patricia upload the clips I'll post them here)
After that, Charmaine then played games with lucky fans to win the 42-inch plasma tv and she was hillarious throughout the game cracking jokes here and there. After the prize giving, we shouted again Encore! Encore! and she reacted with singing the birthday song to us..haha. When we screamed her name again she stuck her tongue out to us!lolz..The event ended with a happy note as all the artiste sang a Chinese New Year song together. Also remember Charmaine got frightened by the Boom! during the Astro awards? She was cautious this time and closed her ears with her hands when the New Year song ended because she expected the Boom! again this time but because of the rain it was cancelled!! HAHA...Charmaine was pretty embarassed and kept on hitting her head...lolz!(I'll try edit the clip and show you guys this part)
Added Clip!
Here's the clip where Charmaine played games and sang the Birthday song. She also stuck out her tongue at us when we screamed her name...lolz. I also added the part where she clasps her ears with her hands and slapped her head when she realise the "Boom!" was cancelled..lolz. Enjoy!
After the event we got to know Tina was happy with the fanclub and we really felt the sense of satisfaction! Cheers~~!! to all of you guys who participated in the event. Really had an enjoyable weekend and glad to get to know you guys! Looking forward to another get together again!
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