Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Joey Yung (容祖兒)Mandarin Album 2009 - Very Busy (很忙)

Joey's new mandarin album is going to be released on 14th August 2009!!! Here are the tracklist from YesAsia! (Hong Kong Version)

CD :
1. Slow Dance
2. 答案
3. 羅馬時差
4. 延長賽
5. 這就是愛嗎 ?
6. 很忙
7. 烏賊
8. 夢非夢
9. 赤地之戀
10. 永遠的愛人

DVD Moov Live
1. Slow Dance
2. 答案
3. 羅馬時差
4. 延長賽
5. 這就是愛嗎?
6. 很忙
7. 烏賊
8. 赤地之戀
9. 我所知的兩三事
10. 可歌可泣
11. 圓謊

Bonus MV
1. 這就是愛嗎? (百老匯廣告)
2. 很忙
3. 這就是愛嗎? (劇場版)
4. 答案

Ivy : I love the cover!! Very Busy = Many Joey images reflecting her being everywhere. Joey didn't break her promise when she said she will include MOOV Live into the album. Can't wait for the album to be released!! I hope HK version will be available in Malaysia and also that it will be allowed to be brought for autograph sessions IF Joey has one in Malaysia. Well, unless Malaysia version provides the similar privileges and not go all crappy by just including the 10 tracks in the CD as they did to 'A Time For Us'. 期待。。。期待。。。期待!!!

Interested in pre-booking the album?? Visit YesAsia! here.

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