Joey’s greatest motivation is from all the support and encouragement she has received from her fans during the past 10 years.
Source: HKHeadline
After 10 years in a career, being still able to have a well-paid job is not easy, especially in the highly competitive music industry. Apart from having a work load that is several times greater than an average person experiences, one also needs to cater to the fans who want to constantly experience new things. One needs to constantly change to enable oneself to achieve greater things! To be able to shine brightly in this industry for 10 years is not an easy thing, so that is why Joey has written a letter today to her fans to thank them for their constant support, and to show her silent gratitude.
All these years, Joey has seen the effort given by her fans, such as waiting for her night and day at various places, saving up their money to buy her albums, waiting in queues to buy her concert tickets, and also to create light banners to display at various places to show their support….All these things has let to Joey feeling very grateful and thankful to all her fans, so today she has written the following letter to give to all the fans who love her, as a sign of her gratitude for the past 10 years….
Joey’s letter:
“Throughout all these years, I have seen you all grow up, and you have also seen me develop to this very day. I hope you all won’t mind that I’m not an eloquent speaker, and to be able to understand that I’m not a smooth talker, all these corny things is understood by everyone and it doesn’t need to be said. You have all helped me look after my fan club for over 10 years, and each time someone wants to ruin the fan club, you will all work together to resist it. All your actions have moved me, so it is worth me writing this letter today to all you fans that I love.
In addition, each year after I win various awards at the awards ceremonies, you all seem to be happier than I am, and you always give me a congratulation card that you have all signed! To thank you all, I will continue to do my best. I know that being a Joey Yung fan is hard work because I am a special singer who has some fans who like me a lot, but there are also some fans who are more reserved and so they will need to persevere if they want to like me. Therefore, the overall feeling is like being able to get through lots of difficult obstacles, so for being a fan of me, you are all amazing! On the other hand, I also hope that you will all maintain the beautiful characteristic of a peace ambassador, which is to be respectful to your idol and to yourself. Right now, I have just started the 11th year of my career, and I will put more work into my fan club this year. I also hope to make my grand dream come true which is to use my energy to motivate all my fans to contribute to society.
Joey, 2010"
Original version in chinese:
再加上每年我在各大頒獎禮上獲得不同獎項後,你們總是遠比我更開心呢,又送上集合眾人的簽名信來恭賀我!為了報答你們,我唯有再接再厲繼續做得更好,我知道作為我容祖兒 的Fans,是較為辛苦的一件事,因我是個特別的歌手,鍾意我的會很鍾意,但有些人卻會有點兒保留,要鍾意我的話便要堅持,就像要排除萬難的感覺一樣,所以作為我歌迷的你,真是很了不起!另一方面,我也希望你們能保持和平大使這項美好的品格,懂得尊重偶像和尊重自己。現在已是我踏入娛樂圈的第11個年頭,今年我將會為歌迷會下一點苦功,希望能實現我一直以來想用自己的力量推動歌迷為社會作出貢獻這個重大夢想。
Translation credits to Rsung @ http://joeygalaxy.com/
Ivy: I personally don't fully understand the letter (the part about different kind of fans). And Joey saying she's not good in words, then from the letter, she really isn't very good...LOL. However, the message I get that is meaningful is her motivation to do more for her fanclub and also to encourage her fans together with her to do more for the society(charity) which is a right move. Hope to see more of that soon! Oh btw, I think Joey got interviewed by the ICAC too for the Stephen Chan case investigations...well hope everything will get sorted out soon!
As to my personal self, I guess I'm going to take this blog as a place to rant my frustration!! HAHA....yesterday I received an email about deferment for my exchange application because of a restriction of the number of students the exchange university is accepting that semester...Urggh!!!! I took so much effort and time to organise my course units and now I have to re-plan. Luckily, the changes isn't too big. HAIHZ, now I have to cross my fingers and hope the next intake for the next semester accepts me!! I wouldn't want all my hardwork to be poured down the drain!!
Part I am not clear with in the letter resolved thanks to Spoiledbrat^^
Unclear part: "I know that being a Joey Yung fan is hard work because I am a special singer who has some fans who like me a lot, but there are also some fans who are more reserved and so they will need to persevere if they want to like me."
Spoiledbrat's explanation:
i think she is referring to those fans who pretend to not be a fan or pretend to dislike her due to peer pressure. there are quite a few JFs who don't want others to know that they like Joey because their family and/or friends don't like her.
Ivy: Sad case.......no freedom of choosing who they like and want to support...IMO, youths should not be too affected by peer pressure.
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